
GG Ink, also known as Georgia around the studio, begun her apprenticeship in the beginning of 2022. After pursuing art in highschool, she went on to freelance graphic design and garner a career in marketing. After 5 years of working in the corporate setting alongside a little persistence and hard work, she redirected her career path into tattooing.

Georgia practises illustrative, fine line work with a knack for attention to detail and smooth line work. She plans to work towards one day specialising in a variety of tattoo styles.

60 Keilor Rd, Essendon
North,Melbourne, 3041

Monday: 10am - 9pm
Tuesday: 10am - 9pm
Wednesday: 10am - 9pm
Thursday: 10am - 9pm
Friday: 10am - 9pm
Saturday: 10am - 9pm
Sunday: 10am - 9pm